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简介我的童年英语作文_我的童年英语作文80词带翻译       我的童年英语作文一直是人们关注的焦点,而它的今日更新更是备受瞩目。今天,我将与大家分享关于我的童年英语作文的最新动态,希望能为大家提供一些有用的信息。1.









       Childhood dream, the dream of colorful; childhood songs, songs of joy; a string of footprints of childhood; childhood the story of a pile." Which song do you think a good childhood? A riot of colours in the years, there have been a lot of things, not as bright stars. My childhood is good, there are many memorable things ... ...As long as I can remember, aunt of the class has two chickens, one time I went to see my aunt class chicken, had not known how long, two chickens gradually grew up, and after a long time, the hens lay eggs, eggs to hatch a chicken,21 days later, hear audible a chick, see this situation, and heard the sound. I think the chickens are too poor, the rooster and hen are not at home, the chicks to help you. Chance, finally came ... ...On that day, to the small hen chicks to find food, naughty cock nor in the house, ran out to play. Not pay attention to easily take advantage of picked up an egg, holding in the palm gently stroked, be poker-faced to say:" don't be afraid of a chicken, you will come to the world." Finished, I no longer hesitated, peel an egg, with a heat, the chicken did not open our eyes" birth", which looked at me, called twice as if to say:" thank you, let me come in this world." I can be happy, and opened in second, when I strip to the fourth time the hen back, see I am" bully" snake baby suddenly cut me, suddenly the blood flow out, I weep and sob to aunt, aunt did not say me, but did say:" little fool, the chicken to a certain time will be born! You give them delivered, will die." Listening to me, quickly look at the chicken run, I was really just the" birth" of chicken almost dead, but I was not the "delivery" of all survived. I regretted, but all night ... ...While this for a long time in the past, although I was young and foolish, but it has been urging me, let I march forward courageously, never back.






       Undoubtedly,everyone has their own childhood,happy or unhappy.I have my childhood as well,which has been leaving me a deep impression for its happiness.

        Unlike most of the children,my childhood was free from care for my parents never and ever forced me to do something.Therefore,I had a lot of time to do what I wanted.And I finally became fond of painting.As to say the reason why I prefered to draw pictures,it was very simple,namely I did like it sincerely.Therefore,I kept on drawing pictures everyday even when I was ill or not in good condition.Just like this,I spent almost all my time on painting,as a result,I started to doubt that why I just liked painting and why not go outdoor for some other funs.However,I just liked staying at home so that I believe that I must be a painter in the future.To be frank,I did have some talent on painting,I've drawn large quantity of pictures,most of which were wonderful and splendid.

        On the other side,you can easily see that my childhood was so monotonous that almost people can not accept,however,I enjoy myself a lot for I own my painting as least.



        #英语资源# 导语童年就像初升的朝阳,那么夺目、那么灿烂、那么蓬勃。发生在我的童年的开心事多如繁星,其中有一件让我记忆犹新。以下是 考 网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


 I think everyone's childhood must be happy, and I am no exception. Of course, in my childhood, what made me happiest was to go to the beach to catch crabs with my aunt.

        I remember when I was eight years old, my mother and I went to Lianyungang to visit my aunt. My aunt told me, "there is a seaside in Lianyungang. I'll take you to play.". I thought: if there is a sea, there must be a beach. There must be many crabs in the beach, so I asked my aunt to take me to the beach to catch crabs.

        Early the next morning, my aunt took me to the beach. We prepared tools: shovel and bucket. I picked up the shovel and dug everywhere, but after digging for a long time, I didn't even see the shadow of a crab. At this time, my aunt came up to me and told me, "Jiaqi, do you see the small holes on the beach? There must be crabs in it." I lowered my head and searched every inch of the beach like a carpet. After a while, I saw a small hole. I dug hard down the hole. Indeed, there was a crab the size of a coin in it. It was dark green and very cute.

        After a while, I had caught more than a dozen small crabs. They kept struggling in my bucket, as if to say, "let go of me, let go of me!" I looked at them and thought: although they are cute, they also have the right to survive. Thinking of this, I let them return to the embrace of my mother. I hope they can grow up healthily like me.

        This is the fun of catching crabs in my childhood, which I will never forget.


 Childhood is often very beautiful and happy. In spring, we can fly kites in the open space with our friends; In summer, you can play happily with your friends in the pond; In autumn, you can sit on the branches and eat juicy, fleshy and thin fruits while talking to your partners about interesting things: in winter, you can watch snow, have snowball fights, make snowmen and set off firecrackers with your good friends... Childhood is full of laughter and laughter almost all the time. In the twinkling of an eye, I was already a fifth grade student, and my childhood was gone forever.

        However, one thing that makes me feel naive in my childhood still lingers in my mind... At that time, it was summer, and the sun seemed to destroy all the creatures on the earth and emit endless heat in the air. My little friend and I went swimming together. After swimming, on the way home, I don't know who had a whim and mentioned the word "hanging". So a bold little partner said, "adults say it's hard to commit suicide by hanging. I don't believe it. Let's have a try!" Then he found a piece of rope, hung it on the branch and said, "if you see me hanging hard, put me down." We nodded in response. After a while, he tied the rope and carefully stood on the built stone pier. Then he kicked off the stone pier under his feet.

        Then, we saw him dancing. We thought it tasted good to hang. He was very happy. Fortunately, at this time, his brother was out looking for him to go home for dinner. He just saw him hanging, so he hurriedly put him down. It's really dangerous. Childhood is full of happiness and innocence!


 Everyone has his own childhood. The memory of childhood is so beautiful and nostalgic. I will always remember something that happened when I was 7 years old.

        Spring came and everything revived. I asked a few little friends to come to the field to play. Suddenly I heard the cry of "quack", and I decided that a frog was going out of the hole. He followed the sound and found a frog not far from the cave, looking around, as if looking for an opportunity to prepare. I think: today we must catch this frog and show it off in front of our little friends. I crept to the frog with open arms, and then rushed to it... Suddenly, I tripped over the mud and fell a big somersault. I got up in embarrassment and touched my sore knee. I was angry and hated.

        "Hahaha" the friends pointed at me and smiled back and forth. It turned out that I fell down and my face touched the wet soil at the entrance of the cave. My face, eyebrows and mouth were all mud, which became a big flower face for singing. The frog didn't catch it, but he made a fool of himself. That's why stealing chickens can't eat rice! They all said I deserved it. Because frogs are beneficial insects, they should not be caught, but should be protected. I think so. I know frogs are beneficial insects. Why should I catch them? I really shouldn't do that!

        Whatever happened in childhood, whether it makes you happy or sad, whether it makes you angry or makes you regret, it will always stay in your memory, teach you lessons, give you strength and let you grow up!


 On the morning of new year's day, there are few pedestrians in the streets. A seven or eight year old boy, with a long string of firecrackers in his hand, walked far away with a smile on his face. He looked around all the way, as if looking for a place to hang firecrackers. Later, he saw that a clothesline was just tied between the two trees, so he stepped on a stone and tried to throw firecrackers on the clothesline, because he was too small to throw it. Helpless, I had to put the whip on the beam of the bicycle, and the whip was dragged to the ground.

        After he lit a piece of incense, he began to approach the firecrackers little by little. As soon as he touched the firecrackers, he covered his ears and ran to one side. He waited for a long time and didn't sound. He shivered to order again, and then he hurried to one side without making a sound. A passer-by told him, "it's all right. It's too late for you to hide after you light it." This time he seemed to have finally made up his mind. He lit it for a long time. When he found that firecrackers flashed Mars, he retracted his steps and showed a very bright smile on his face.

        Firecrackers finally crackled. But what people didn't expect was that as soon as the firecrackers rang, the little boy jumped across the ditch quickly, shook his little hands, ran happily and turned into the alley. The sound of firecrackers blew merrily, and its persistence attracted some passers-by.

        What a funny childhood. Unlike us who have entered the adult world, he pays attention to the process and expects the results in everything, and all he wants is the moment of happy lighting and the moment of brilliant sparks, so he doesn't see the scattered scraps of paper and ashes; So he was happy with satisfaction.

        Everything is so simple, this is childhood.


 Everyone's childhood is happy. In childhood, a variety of interesting things often happen, and the reason is that they are young, not sensible, and know too little truth. When you grow up, when you recall the past, you will feel very funny, but when you do those things as a child, you will feel very smart.

        Childhood is composed of a diary. Today I'll take you to some interesting childhood stories

        One day on the road, I saw a big sister's hair was very beautiful, red, yellow, blue... It was colorful and very attractive. So I hurried home. You can guess what I think. My idea is to dye my hair in all colors, like rainbow candy, like miss. But because my mother will definitely not agree to take me to the barber shop to dye my hair, so I want to hide in my room secretly. How smart is it.

        I wet my hair first, and then squeeze the paint on my hair, from left to right, red, green, yellow... As a result, my hair was messy and colorful, but I was happy. After my hair was colored, it was very wet. I sat on the balcony in the sun and calculated to dry my hair. After a while, I touched my hair and looked in the mirror. oh dear! My hair turned into "pickled cabbage". I was stunned. In the mirror, I looked like a savage, a scarecrow and an old woman with a wig. I couldn't accept myself, so I went to wash my hair immediately. After washing, I found that the pigment on my hair was losing with the water. When water drops on my face and clothes, my face and clothes become colorful. At the moment, I look like a clown.

        Whenever I think of it, I think I was very funny at that time... I believe your childhood is also very wonderful!


       I really had a happy childhood. I grew up in a countryside which was really beautiful. Beautiful mountain, trees, flowers and all kinds of plants. I often went hiking with my parents and caught insects. My parents taught me how to swim. And we often swam in the swimming pool and I could swim very well. My friends and I often played football and hide and seek together. I didn't need to worry about my study.


       My childhood

       I remember when I was six years old. Had many interesting things. Summer, I and small partners to play by the river. We took off our clothes swimwear. The "thump" sound jumped off the river, play can be interesting... Autumn, is the harvest season. Us fun orchard pick plump fruit, fruit big and sweet, we eat with appetite to eat. It was snowing, the high streets and back lanes are in vain. Winter is more interesting, in winter we skate on the river, the river became a skating rink in the winter of our. In the heavy snow in the snow snowball fights, snowmen, snowball. And more.


